Day by Day cartoon

Friday, April 03, 2009

Utah DMV rocks!

No, really, I must give the Utah Department of Motor Vehicles full props for their service. I know we all hate the DMV, no matter where we live and I believe that most people that have owned at least one motor vehicle all have a DMV horror story to tell.

But our DMV, here in Utah really seems to have their act together. Really. I carried in my paperwork to register the Lincoln last Monday afternoon- about 5 PM. I waited no more than 10 minutes before being waited on and in 10 more minutes I was walking out with 2 shiny new license plates, completely legal. One of the processes was the application for a new title showing me as the owner. Normal stuff right?

I got the title in the mail yesterday afternoon... Thursday.

I applied for the title on Monday afternoon and it was in my mailbox Thursday afternoon! I think that is pretty remarkable, so thanks Utah DMV! Keep up the great work!

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